
Embrace new technologies and renewable energy

Minimise our own water consumption and encourage
retailers to do the same

Eradicate waste, sending zero to landfill and improve how we recycle

Restore, protect and care for the natural world outside our doors

Use safe and sustainable materials in future development projects

Engage retailers, customers and suppliers to join our net zero journey

Partner with local organisations to deliver affordable workspaces

Improve our peoples physical and mental wellbeing

Stay a safe, diverse and accessible shopping and leisure space for all

Encourage sustainable forms of transport to and from the centre

Provide repair, recycling and upcycling services for our customers and communities

Raise funds for its community through Derbion Cares initiative

Keep our people, customers and communities informed of our strategy and progress.

Share our annual, medium and long-term sustainability targets and objectives

Continually monitor, target and review

Verify and certify our performance